瑜伽是一门来自印度的古老学科. 它既是精神上的,也是物质上的. 瑜伽运用呼吸技巧、锻炼和冥想. He defined yoga as "the cessation of the modification of the mind"...
Medium shot. Construction worker talks to camera in front of modern building. 专业拍摄4K分辨率. 038. You can use it e.g. in your commercial video, medical, business, presentation,...
Medium shot. Front view. Soldier shooting with assault rifle and reloading, Alpha Channel. 专业拍摄4K分辨率. 048. You can use it e.g. 在你的医疗广告视频中...
Medium shot. Engineer in a white helmet explaining something to camera, Alpha Channel. 专业拍摄4K分辨率. 044. You can use it e.g. 在你的医疗广告视频中...
Wide shot. Front view. Smiling female with headphones walking and dancing to the music, Alpha Channel Professional以4K分辨率拍摄. 043. You can use it e.g. 在你的医疗广告视频里...