
没有响应式设计,现代园林网站是不完整的. The 互联网 gives you the advantage of promoting your business to a wider audience and increasing your overall income. Just choose one of our 花园 设计 Joomla templates and begin the short journey to a great web presence. Get yourself a stylish site that's professional, visually appealing, and on-trend.

Are you a 花园 设计er looking to build a beautiful website to showcase your work? Maybe you offer charming backyard 设计 products that you want to sell to a wider market online? How can we help you market your services on the web with the minimum of effort and expense? 答案很简单:使用Joomla后院模板.


You'll have a wide range of modules, widgets, and features available through your personal CMS panel. 选择选项,如谷歌网页字体和一系列配色方案. After that, you will create uniformity between your existing brand identity and your website 设计. 因此,你会得到一个专业的外观,使你的网站脱颖而出.

Your yard 设计 Joomla template is fully responsive so that visitors can view it on any device. 浏览者甚至可以从他们选择的任何浏览器访问您的网站,而不会出现错误, 多亏了跨浏览器的兼容性. Easy access is enhanced by simple navigation tools such as back-to-top buttons and dropdown menus. If you feel concerned that building a website is outside your technical ability, worry not. 除了您的购买,我们还为您提供24小时6个月的支持服务.

每个模板都有许多自适应特性. 它们提供多种颜色选项、CSS3、图像幻灯片、HTML5等等. 各种各样的网页表单对吸引潜在客户很有用. 例如,联系表单将提供与您联系的快速方式. An authorization/registration form will allow visitors to become your full-fledged customers and inform them about your latest updates. And an advanced 搜索 form will help them quickly find the product or service they need.


  • 谷歌地图-与谷歌服务集成,显示您的实际位置;
  • 博客(发布文章和新闻的专区);
  • 画廊(画廊脚本,方便地显示您的项目);
  • jQuery (easy use of JavaScript on your website; affects the fast loading);
  • 引导(完全兼容多种设备-移动和桌面);
  • 视差(使您的网络资源更现实,通过使用几个层);
  • 延迟加载效果(只加载可见图像,提高页面加载速度).


These flexible 花园 种植 Joomla themes are specially stylized for 园艺 and 种植 organizations, 公司, 公司, 和工作室.

作为一个专业的园林设计师, you should know a lot about the exterior 设计 itself and how to promote your services. 你知道你必须努力工作才能找到顾客. 在这种情况下,拥有你的网站起着很大的作用. Despite being a professional, you may have little knowledge about web 设计 and coding. 这已经不是问题了! 这些天, creating a backyard 设计 website is incredibly easy with the help of Joomla groundskeeper templates.


The best botany website template helps you build exceptional web resources with the most suitable 设计 and easy installation. 它确保在各种浏览器(如Explorer)上顺利快速地加载页面, 火狐, Safari, 铬, 还有更多. A professional website 设计 enhances your web presence by letting potential customers know the products/services you offer and helping your business grow worldwide. 如果您提供外部花园服务,并希望建立一个世界级的网站, 考虑一下最好的专业主题.

A wide range of 花园er website templates includes professional, flash, and simple 设计s. 在决定之前不要忽略实时演示模式. You can watch a demo to test how the file will look when opened in popular browsers. That is to say; you may see how the homepage or landing page loads.

These botanic templates help you 设计 an eye-catching web resource with an attractive color combination. The fully responsive and SEO-friendly code automatically adjusts itself as the window size and screen resolution change. 无需HTML5技能,也可以轻松修改布局元素. 因此,它甚至对初级Joomla用户也非常有用.



你来对地方了. Template怪物 is the place where thousands of templates for different web platforms are sold. Joomla的产品是一些最畅销的产品. 在这个页面上,你可以看到所有与花园设计相关的模板. Watch the 花园 设计 web themes in live demo mode and download the best themes at the best prices!

Do you help with the installation and customization of 花园 设计 Joomla templates?

是的,我们有. 您可以在产品页面中添加“安装” & 设置服务($49)到您的订单.

If I install 花园 设计 Joomla templates, will they replace my content with demo site content?

We assume that uploading a Joomla courtyard 设计 template to your server will completely replace your current content. 我们建议备份您的网站并保存所有多媒体.


当使用模板花园Joomla, 你将需要Adobe Photoshop, ZIP-archiver, PHP编辑器, 和Joomla CMS的某个版本(取决于一个主题).

为什么使用Joomla植物主题? 爱上Joomla CMS的5个原因

观看有关杰出Joomla花园设计主题功能的有用视频. 多语言功能, 大量的扩展集合, 内置页面编辑器, and much more valuable opportunities to make your Plant website project unique and successful!